Garage and chatter . workshop
retirement home . third place
Les toqués . workshop
food design . zero waste
Collective heating . workshop
heating . ecology
Pavillon Anne Barratin . space
psychiatric hospital for children . colors . signage
St Jo weathers . workshop
retirement home . interior temperature
Change the air . workshop
air quality
Slowness olympiad . event
slowness . sport . inclusive rhythm
Relax Max . object
nursery . sensorial space . storage
Microclimates . workshop
school . climates . micro-architecture
Monbois 2.0 . space
coworking space . student residence
Etheriens . workshop
sensations . air quality
The footbridge . space
retirement home . sensorial & vegetalized path
Gizeh . object
basketry . 3d impression
Pagne . object
basketry . 3d impression
Imhotep . object
basketry . 3d impression
Telepathies & co . workshop
retirement home . distance communication
Les branchés . object
sensorial objects . pedagogic and playful experiences in natural context
MifaBota . object
pedagogic game . botanical families
Végétable . object
pedagogic installation . growing vegetables calendar
Remises en formes . workshop
participative interprofessional workshop . tell the rehabilitation professions . video
Shifted realities . workshop
simulation’s experiences . slowed thinking
Jeu-repas-repos . space
hospital . multifunctional space . conviviality
Hallo . space
Banquet II . event
convivial event . culinary design
Banquet I . event
convivial event . culinary design
Brèches . event
exhibition . care design
Alimentary Textures . experimentations
culinary design
Ronron . object
sound object