
Us, Marianne and Claire, are shore.oo*

Working mainly within social and health structures, we take the time to observe their specificities and identify their needs, through exchanges with project’s recipients. We especially care about participatory and convivial nature of our initiatives as well as their narrativity; it is an opportunity to bring out new stories with and for users.

* shore scale quantified the hardness of a material from 00 to 100, from the most malleable to the hardest. There is no conflict between the body and malleable material but an adaptation of shape.

Marianne Franclet

    Graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art et Design of Nancy (ENSAD Nancy) in 2017 and associated-researcher at DM-Lab (ENSAD Nancy).

    « I offer a shifted and scripted view on uses based on a systemic approach of an environment. »


Claire Baldeck

    Graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art et Design of Nancy (ENSAD Nancy) in 2015 and associated-researcher at DM-Lab (ENSAD Nancy).

    « I pay attention to details, anecdotes and to the shape and symbolic of each object and the rituals it induces.»

Collective career

Incubations and residencies

  • february — july 2020
    Creative and cultural laboratory Oh My Goethe! #2,
    led by the Goethe Institut and Grand Nancy Metropole

  • january — september 2019
    Incubator Fluxus, led by DRAC Grand Est and coordinated by Bliiida

  • october 2017 — october 2019
    Incubator Stand up Artem, led by ENSAD Nancy, ICN Business and Mines Nancy


  • Rituels, Metz design week, Metz, september 2022
  • Respire - Pour un design climatique, ESCH 2022, Esch-sur-Alzette, june-september 2022
  • Stand'up, Gallery S001, ENSAD Nancy, october-september 2021
  • Végétable, Comme un imaginaire, 60 years of Grand Nancy Metropole, october 2019
  • Estorama, Ventura Future, Milan design week, Milan, april 2019
  • Brèches, (curation and scenography) Seminar Care, ENSAD Nancy, may 2017


Us, Marianne and Claire, are

Working mainly within social and health structures, we take the time to observe their specificities and identify their needs, through exchanges with project’s recipients. We especially care about participatory and convivial nature of our initiatives as well as their narrativity; it is an opportunity to bring out new stories with and for users.

*shore scale quantified the hardness of a material from 00 to 100, from the most malleable to the hardest. There is no conflict between the body and malleable material but an adaptation of shape.

Marianne Franclet

    Graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art et Design of Nancy (ENSAD Nancy) in 2017 and associated-researcher at DM-Lab (ENSAD Nancy).

    « I offer a shifted and scripted view on uses based on a systemic approach of an environment. »

Claire Baldeck

    Graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art et Design of Nancy (ENSAD Nancy) in 2015 and associated-researcher at DM-Lab (ENSAD Nancy).

    « I pay attention to details, anecdotes and to the shape and symbolic of each object and the rituals it induces.»

Collective career

Incubations and residencies

  • february — july 2020
    Creative and cultural laboratory Oh My Goethe! #2, led by the Goethe Institut and Grand Nancy Metropole

  • january — september 2019
    Incubator Fluxus, led by DRAC Grand Est and coordinated by Bliiida

  • october 2017 — october 2019
    Incubator Stand up Artem, led by ENSAD Nancy, ICN Business and Mines Nancy


  • Rituels, Metz design week, Metz, september 2022
  • Respire - Pour un design climatique, ESCH 2022, Esch-sur-Alzette, june-september 2022
  • Stand'up, Gallery S001, ENSAD Nancy, october-september 2021
  • Végétable, Comme un imaginaire, 60 years of Grand Nancy Metropole, october 2019
  • Estorama, Ventura Future, Milan design week, Milan, april 2019
  • Brèches (curation and scenography), Seminar Care, ENSAD Nancy, may 2017
