Change the air
. ENSAD Nancy
. September 2022

[ themes ]

. retirement home
. air quality

[ customer ]


[ context ]

Following the research colloquium “Respire - Esthétique de la respiration et culture de la qualité de l’air” and the Cdays, ENSAD organized a series of workshops dedicated to air thema.

This workshop’s aim is to improve air quality within the ENSAD Nancy building. After analyzing interior air helped by micro-sensors and understanding its circulation, students are asked to conceive material installations to filter the air.

Photos credits: shore.oo

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Change the air
. ENSAD Nancy
. September 2022

[ themes ]

. retirement home
. air quality

[ customer ]


[ context ]

Following the research colloquium “Respire - Esthétique de la respiration et culture de la qualité de l’air” and the Cdays, ENSAD organized a series of workshops dedicated to air thema.

This workshop’s aim is to improve air quality within the ENSAD Nancy building. After analyzing interior air helped by micro-sensors and understanding its circulation, students are asked to conceive material installations to filter the air.

Photos credits: shore.oo

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