Shifted Realities
. HBK Saar
. Sarrebruck
. 2018

[ themes ]

. simulation’s experiences
. slowed thinking

[ customer ]

Art and design school of Nancy (ENSAD Nancy)

[ context ]

The order emanated from ENSAD Nancy to conceive and animate a workshop for students during the crossborder design schools meeting “It’s not about designing the future but future of design” at HBK Saar school.

A serie of immersive exercices, taken from the book "Hurry up and wait" by Jimmy Pollard about Huntington disease, are available to put ourselves in the specific situation of a slowlier rhythm of mind. Then how could we dialog with the environment? How to adapt the speed of environment to brains’ speed? These issues will be explored through scenarios and mediation tools permitting to translate, figurate the shifted cognition. Functional answers could also be thought. This workshop is time to experiment a method in which designer makes his own tools to understand a different cognitive situation and do appropriated proposals.

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Shifted Realities
. HBK Saar
. Sarrebruck
. 2018

[themes ]

. simulation’s experiences
. slowed thinking

[ customer ]

Art and design school of Nancy (ENSAD Nancy)

[ context ]

The order emanated from ENSAD Nancy to conceive and animate a workshop for students during the crossborder design schools meeting “It’s not about designing the future but future of design” at HBK Saar school.

A serie of immersive exercices, taken from the book "Hurry up and wait" by Jimmy Pollard about Huntington disease, are available to put ourselves in the specific situation of a slowlier rhythm of mind. Then how could we dialog with the environment? How to adapt the speed of environment to brains' speed? These issues will be explored through scenarios and mediation tools permitting to translate, figurate the shifted cognition. Functional answers could also be thought. This workshop is time to experiment a method in which designer makes his own tools to understand a different cognitive situation and do appropriated proposals.

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